During your academic journey, you will be required to write one or more theses depending on your program: bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, nursing school, engineering school, business school, etc.

Writing acknowledgements for your final thesis or dissertation is a crucial step in completing your final deliverable. Acknowledgements allow you to pay tribute and thank all the individuals who contributed to the success of your project, whether through their help with research, support in writing, or moral support.


Table of Contents

  1. What are Thesis or Dissertation acknowledgements?
  2. What is the importance of Thesis or Dissertation acknowledgements?
  3. Where to place the acknowledgements in a Thesis?
  4. How to write the acknowledgements in a Thesis or Dissertation?
  5. Thesis and Dissertation acknowledgement templates
  6. Examples of Thesis acknowledgements
acknowledgements in a thesis or dissertation

What are Thesis or Dissertation acknowledgements?

Thesis or dissertation acknowledgements represent the section where you thank everyone who contributed to the writing of your final thesis.

Since completing a thesis is a fairly long project, the contributions are diverse.

Some individuals you honor may have helped in structuring or writing the thesis. Others may have supported and motivated you during moments of weakness. All these people deserve to be acknowledged and thanked.

You can gather all the tributes you make in your thesis in the “acknowledgements” section, also known as the “acknowledgements page”, explicitly mentioning the names of professors, colleagues, friends, etc.

Thesis Acknowledgements

What is the importance of Thesis or Dissertation acknowledgements?

Acknowledgements serve to express your gratitude towards the individuals who helped you in completing your thesis or dissertation.

A final thesis is a project that spans several months. It requires a lot of investment to successfully complete all the stages of its development: documentary research, qualitative research, quantitative research, thesis writing, preparation for the thesis defense, etc.

Therefore, it is important to thank all those who supported you during this process by dedicating a page of acknowledgements in your thesis.

Acknowledgements, in addition to demonstrating your personal appreciation, highlight your sense of gratitude and humility. They also add a human dimension to the academic work, emphasizing the importance of relationships and collaborations in carrying out large-scale projects.

Here are some examples of people to thank in your thesis:

  • Your supervisor: to thank them for their guidance and advice.
  • Your teachers: to thank them for the various learnings you apply in your thesis.
  • Your parents: to thank them for their psychological and/or financial support during your studies.
where to place acknowledgements in a thesis

Where to place the acknowledgements in a Thesis?

We recommend placing your acknowledgements at the beginning of your thesis, right after the title page and before the table of contents.

The goal is to show your gratitude to those who helped you from the very first pages, before diving into the core of the subject.

For reference, here is an overview of the typical structure of a thesis with the acknowledgements page placed between the title page and the table of contents:

  • Title Page: Also known as the title page of the thesis, it includes the title of the thesis, the author's name, the institution's name, the degree being pursued, the name of the thesis supervisor, etc.
  • 👉 Acknowledgements Page: This is where you express your gratitude to those who helped or supported you during the writing of this thesis.
  • Abstract: This section briefly presents the objectives of the thesis, the research methodology, and the main results.
  • Table of Contents: Lists the chapters and sections with their corresponding page numbers.
  • Introduction: Introduces the topic, objectives, and structure of the thesis.
  • Main Chapters: Contains the development of the topic, including literature review, detailed research methodology, results, discussion, etc.
  • Conclusion: Summarizes the main findings and offers perspectives for future research.
  • Bibliography: Lists the sources used and cited in the thesis.
  • Appendices: Contains additional information, raw data, questionnaires, etc.
how to write acknowledgements in research paper or thesis

How to write the acknowledgements in a Thesis or Dissertation?

Writing acknowledgements in a thesis or dissertation may seem like a simple task, but it requires careful thought and organization to properly recognize those who contributed to your success.

Here are the steps to follow to effectively structure your acknowledgements page:

1 - Introduction to Acknowledgements: Start with an introductory sentence that broadly expresses your gratitude for the support received throughout your thesis project. This sentence can be general and highlight the importance of the help provided. Example: "I wish to express my deep gratitude to all the individuals who contributed to the completion of this thesis."

2 - Academic Acknowledgements: Start by mentioning those who helped you academically. This includes your thesis supervisor, professors, advisors, and members of your committee. Be specific about the nature of their contribution.
Example: "I would especially like to thank my thesis supervisor, Professor Fabien Dupont, for his guidance, insightful advice, and patience throughout this project."

3 - Specific Contributions: Continue by thanking the people or institutions that provided specific resources or technical support. This may include laboratories, libraries, experts in the field, or organizations that gave you access to data or equipment.
Example: "I am also grateful to the Laboratory of Biology and Applied Pharmacology for access to equipment and essential resources that made my research possible."

how to write acknowledgement in research paper

4 - Personal Support: Don’t forget to thank friends, family, and loved ones who provided moral or material support. Their encouragement may have been crucial during challenging times.
Example: "I wish to express my gratitude to my family for their unwavering support and to my friends for their understanding and patience during the intense moments of thesis writing."

5 - Financial Acknowledgements (if applicable): If you received a scholarship or funding, mention the organizations or individuals who made it possible.
Example: "I also thank the Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography for funding my research, without which this thesis would not have been possible."

6 - Conclusion: End your acknowledgements with a concluding sentence that reiterates your general gratitude. This helps close this section on a positive and appreciative note.
Example: "To all those who contributed in any way to this thesis, I extend my sincere thanks."

Thesis and Dissertation acknowledgement templates

Acknowledgements template for a Bachelor’s Thesis

I would like to express my deep gratitude to everyone who contributed to the completion of this thesis. First, I sincerely thank my thesis supervisor, Professor [Name], for his exceptional guidance, valuable advice, and constant support throughout this project.

I am also grateful to all the professors in the [Department Name] department at [University Name] University for their teaching and availability.

I also wish to thank my fellow students for their moral support and enriching discussions. A big thank you to my friends and family for their understanding, patience, and constant encouragement.

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who, directly or indirectly, contributed to the completion of this work. Your help and support have been invaluable.

phd thesis acknowledgements template

Acknowledgements template for a Master’s Thesis

I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the people who supported and guided me in the completion of this Master's thesis. First, I warmly thank my thesis supervisor, Professor [Name], for his guidance, insightful advice, and constant availability.

I am also grateful to the jury members for their relevant feedback and the time they spent evaluating this work. Thank you to the professors of the [Master's Name] program for their enriching teachings and support.

I also thank [Name of Institution or Company] for the resources provided and the logistical support that greatly facilitated the completion of this thesis.

My thanks also go to my fellow students for their camaraderie and the fruitful exchanges we had. A huge thank you to my family and friends for their moral support and unwavering encouragement.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone, known or unknown, who contributed in any way to the accomplishment of this thesis. Your help has been invaluable.

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Examples of Thesis acknowledgements

Example of acknowledgements in a Master's Thesis in Industrial Engineering

I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who contributed to the completion of this Master's thesis in Industrial Engineering, conducted as a work-study program at the University of Strasbourg.

I would first like to thank my thesis supervisor, Mr. Morel, for his rigorous guidance, relevant technical advice, and availability. His expertise was crucial in directing my research and developing practical solutions.

I would also like to thank my company supervisors, Ms. Boulaya and Mr. Manaudou, for their continuous support and practical advice. Their experience and guidance were instrumental in applying theoretical concepts in a real industrial context at Safran.

I am also grateful to the professors of the Master's program in Industrial Engineering for the quality of their teaching and their availability. Their in-depth knowledge greatly enhanced my technical skills.

Finally, I would like to thank my family and friends for their constant support and encouragement. Their assistance enabled me to overcome the challenges of this year in the work-study program.

how to write acknowledgement for project: examples

Example of acknowledgements in a Nursing Thesis

I would like to express my deep gratitude to everyone who made the completion of this Nursing End of Studies Thesis (TFE) at IFSI Lille possible.

First, I warmly thank my thesis supervisor, Mr. Levallois, for his exceptional guidance, valuable advice, and availability throughout this project. His support and encouragement were decisive in successfully completing this research.

I also thank the trainers and staff of IFSI Lille for the quality of their teaching and their constant support. Their dedication and passion for the nursing profession greatly enriched my knowledge and skills.

I would also like to thank my fellow students for their camaraderie and moral support throughout these years of training. The group work and exchanges were a source of inspiration and motivation.

A big thank you to my family and friends for their understanding, patience, and constant encouragement during this intense period of training.

Finally, I thank everyone who, directly or indirectly, contributed to the completion of this thesis. Your help and support have been invaluable.


To summarize, writing the thesis or dissertation acknowledgements is a crucial step to express your gratitude to those who have contributed to your success.

Make sure to include everyone and every institution that has provided academic, technical, or moral support.

A well-written acknowledgements page not only enhances your work but also reflects your appreciation towards those who have played a key role in your academic journey. After writing your assignment, don't forget to analyze it in a plagiarism checker to detect plagiarism and avoid penalties.



To go further:


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